Don't see a game listed? Reach out the Discord!
Game | Author | Type |
007 Goldeneye | Michael Paton | Shooter |
3D South Park Platformer (Demo) | Beamer | Platformer |
5 Kenny Deaths | Matt Kennedy | Miscellaneous |
Abduction | Beamer | Platformer |
After Darkness (Demo) | Irrational Games | Adventure |
Airsoft: Capture the Flag | Wormmaster | Shooter |
Alien Genocide | Beamer | Arcade |
Alien Hunt | Dave | Shooter |
Alone in the Park | Ottoman | Adventure |
American Gladiators | Nomad | Sports |
Americans vs Bosnians | Matt Kennedy | Multiplayer |
A Night in Mephisto's Lab | John VM | Platformer |
Attack of the Fluffys | Nick Nash | Action |
Attack of the Friggin' Furbys | Hababaluga | Beat 'Em Up |
Austin Powers: Back to the Shag | Jamie Bailey | Platformer |
Avenging Kenny's Death | Korobrown Software | Compilation |
Awesome-O Saves the World | Ezezeta Games | Adventure |
Beamer Project X | Beamer | Compilation |
Booktastic | Matt Crosta | Puzzle |
ButtersBallz | Beamer | Arcade |
Butters Extract | RFI | Arcade |
Butters Pro Skating | Beamer | Sports |
Butters Pro Skating 2 | Beamer | Sports |
Butter's Quest (Demo) | Assassin | Adventure |
Butts Kenny | Happy Productins | Miscellaneous |
Cartman Armageddon | Jamie Bailey | Platformer |
Cartman Commando | Nomad | Shooter |
Cartman Force | Junkman | Shooter |
Cartman Force Arena | Junkman | Shooter |
Cartman Goes Hunting | TL Soft | Shooter |
Cartman Kong Country | ML Productions | Platformer |
Cartman Leap | Jamie Bailey | Platformer |
Cartman Loses Weight | RFI | Arcade |
Cartman on a Skateboard | Pontus Larsson | Sports |
Cartman Platformer (Demo) | Makhmaltchi | Platformer |
Cartman Powers (Demo) | Nick Locke | Miscellaneous |
Cartman Shooting | Wormmaster | Shooter |
Cartman vs World | Brandon | Arcade |
Cartman World | Christopher Cantey | Miscellaneous |
Cartman's Adventure | Beamer | Platformer |
Cartman's Adventure 2 | Beamer | Platformer |
Cartman's Adventure 3 | Beamer | Platformer |
Cartman's Adventure 4 | Beamer | Platformer |
Cartman's Authoritah | Derek Long | Platformer |
Cartman's Game | Sir Eatsalot | Miscellaneous |
Cartman's Great Adventure | Mike Gurval | Puzzle |
Cartman's Prison Escape | Jzayed | Action |
Cartman's Quest | Eminem2001eight | Arcade |
Cartman's Search for the Lost Cheesy Poofs | Scott Mahoney | Shooter |
Cartman's V-Chip Escape | JK Games | Action |
Cartman's V-Chip Escape 2 | JK Games | Action |
Cartman's Wittle Kitty Treat | Cow | Arcade |
Cartmans Adventure | Happy Productins | Micellaneous |
Cartmanvania (Demo) | The Dude | Platformer |
Cheesy Poof Club | Paul Trillo | Action |
Cheesy Poof Club 2 (Demo) | Paul Trillo | Action |
Cheesy Poofs | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
Cheesy South Park | Copyware Inc | Miscellaneous |
Chef Evil Keneivil | Nomad | Sports |
Chef's Field Goal Challenge | Brandon | Sports |
Christmas Timmy (Beta) | Beamer | Platformer |
Code Blood (Demo) | Beamer | Platformer |
Cocktails | RFI | Arcade |
Coldburn (Demo) | Lord Prism | Platformer |
Come on Down to South Park | Beamer | Miscellaneous |
Commander Stan | Stanster | Platformer |
Commander Stan 2: Wendy's Revenge | Stanster | Platformer |
Commander Stan 2.5 (Demo) | Stanster | Platformer |
Commander Stan 3 (Demo) | Stanster | Platformer |
Commander Stan 3 Ep. 1 | Stanster | Platformer |
Cops | Richard Hendrix | Adventure |
Corporal Cartman | Subwoofer | Shooter |
Criminal Cartman | Beamer | Action |
Cyborg Kenny | Beamer | Action |
Dance Kenny Dance | Beamer | Arcade |
Deputy Cartman | Brian Tosca | Action |
Dino Crisis in South Park (Demo) | LeighM | Platformer |
Dodgem Kyle | Beamer | Arcade |
Dominating Dodgeball | Nomad | Sports |
Don't Kill Kenny | Paul Smith | Shooter |
Don't Kill Kenny 2 | Paul Smith | Shooter |
Escape the Jungle | Beamer | Action |
Evil Parallel Universe | Matthew Bayne | Platformer |
Fantasy South Park | Beamer | RPG |
Farteroids | Lee Ashcroft | Arcade |
Faster or Kenny is Dead | Kovamasa | Racing |
Feed Starvin' Marvin' | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
Final Park | Kain X | RPG |
Friendly Fire (Demo) | Lord Prism | Platformer |
Frogger | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
Frosty's Revenge | Junkman | Platformer |
Future Stan | Beamer | Platformer |
General Cartman | Beamer | Shooter |
Golden Fatass | RFI | Action |
Grenade Fishin' | Ryan Smith | Shooter |
Guns Girls 'n' Drugs | Scott Holmes | Miscellaneous |
Hankey Pankey | Beamer | Puzzle |
Halloween '99 | Scott Ewart | Miscellaneous |
Halloween Kyle (Demo) | Stanster | Platformer |
Hell on Earth (Demo) | Scott Ewart | Shooter |
Hell's Balls | Sheila Na Gig | Arcade |
House of the Dead in South Park | RFI | Shooter |
How Do You Want Kenny 2 Die | Damit | Miscellaneous |
Hungry? | Wormmaster | Arcade |
Huntin' & Killin' | Matt Crosta | Shooter |
I Hate Hapy Produtins | Tuninki | Miscellaneous |
I Hate Hapy Produtins 2 | Tuninki | Miscellaneous |
I Hate Hapy Produtins Gayme Kolektion | Tuninki | Miscellaneous |
Independence Day (Demo) | Andrew Rumney | Arcade |
Jungle Mayhem | Jzayed & Rodrinator | Puzzle |
J.I.M.M.Y. | Beamer | Arcade |
Kenny Boardin' | Scott Holmes | Sports |
Kenny's Deathmatch | Zpeef | Shooter |
Kenny's Island 2 | Fleming Games | Platformer |
Kenny Attack | Beamer | Arcade |
Kenny Kart | Polygon | Racing |
Kenny Kong Racing | Garret Yeager | Racing |
Kenny Maths | Andrew Rumney | Educational |
Kenny Puzzler | Junkman | Puzzle |
Kenny Puzzler 2 | Junkman | Puzzle |
Kenny Raider | Josh King | Platformer |
Kenny Theft Auto | Scott Ewart | Action |
Kenny vs Death | Junkman | Platformer |
Kenny's Adventure (Demo) | Eminem2001eight | RPG |
Kenny's Adventure | Brandon Hodge | RPG |
Kenny's Last Stand | Dowdy | Platformer |
Kenny's Madventure (Demo) | Wormmaster | Platformer |
Kenny's Quest 1 | Link | Platformer |
Kenny's Quest 2 | Link | Platformer |
Kenny's Quest | Matthew Bayne | RPG |
Kenny's Rampage | Matt Kennedy | Shooter |
Kenny's Rampage 2 | Matt Kennedy | Shooter |
Kenny's Rampage 3 (Beta) | Matt Kennedy | Shooter |
Kenny's Rampage: Kyle's Journey | Matthias Eriksson | Shooter |
Kenny Man X | ML Productions | Platformer |
Kennys | Polygon | Arcade |
Kennys 2 | Polygon | Arcade |
Kid Kombat | JK Games | Fighting |
Kill BloodBird | King of Darkness | Miscellaneous |
Kill the Cartmans | Beamer | Arcade |
Killing Spree | Klaptrapx | Shooter |
Kyle vs Ailiuns | Happy Productins | Miscellaneous |
Kyle's Adventure | Scott Ewart | Adventure |
Kyle's Bogus Journey (Demo) | IngramJ | Platformer |
Kyle's Escape (Beta) | Beamer | Action |
Kyle's Pissed | Scott Holmes | Shooter |
Kyle's Xmas Quest | King of Darkness | Platformer |
Legend of Kelda | Gescholpen | Adventure |
Legend of Wendy Ocarina of South Park (Demo) | Dunny2 | Adventure |
Lemmiwinks | Beamer | Platformer |
Lemmiwinks Unleashed (Demo) | Beamer | Platformer |
Lost in Space (Demo) | Richard Hendrix | Shooter |
Mad Volcano | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
Mega Cartman | Richard Hendrix | Platformer |
Megakid X | JK Games | Platformer |
Megakid X2 | JK Games | Platformer |
Megakid X3 | JK Games | Platformer |
Megaman South Park X | Kroniclez | Platformer |
Megaman South Park X2 (Demo) | Kroniclez | Platformer |
Metal Gear Park (Demo) | Collin Joyce | Stealth |
Metal Gear Park | ML Productions | Stealth |
Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka | Matt Crosta | Shooter |
Moorhuhn Kenny | Witan Entertainment | Shooter |
Mortal Kombat South Park | Jared Woods | Fighting |
Mother's Day | Rodrinator | Compilation |
Mr Hankey Saves Christmas | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
Mr Mackey Buys Pants | Beamer | Miscellaneous |
Mr Hat 8 Ball | Matt Crosta | Miscellaneous |
Mr Poos Xmas | Happy Productins | Platformer |
Mutant Kennys Attack | Tuninki | Miscellaneous |
Mystery | Beamer | Puzzle |
Navigating Kenny | Beamer | Puzzle |
North Park vs South Park | Matt Crosta | Platformer |
Pac-Stan | Beamer | Arcade |
Paper Cartman (Demo) | RFI | Adventure |
Park Life | RCE | Action |
Park Pet | JK Games | Miscellaneous |
Park Wars (Demo) | Alexo Spoofs | Adventure |
Parody Game Series 1: Planet of Farmans | Tuninki | Miscellaneous |
Parky | Rodrinator | Arcade |
Perfect Park | ML Productions | Multiplayer |
Perfect Park Multiplayer | ML Productions | Multiplayer |
Phrase Phrenzy | Brandon | Puzzle |
Pinkeye | Andrew Rumney | Arcade |
Pinkeye 007 | Kain X | Multiplayer |
Pinkeye 007 Multiplayer Expansion Pack | Kain X | Multiplayer |
Pinkeye Pinball Table | Andrew Rumney | Arcade |
Pipio Bros | Scott Holmes | Platformer |
Planet of Cartmans | Junkman | Platformer |
Planet of Cartmans 2 | Junkman | Platformer |
Planet of Cartmans 2: April Fools Edition! | Junkman | Miscellaneous |
Poof Wars | Matt Crosta | Shooter |
Protect Mr. Hankey | Beamer | Shooter |
Quastroids | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
Rainbow Six (Demo) | Collin Joyce | Action |
Rainbow Snipez | Zeno | Shooter |
Renegade Wendy (Beta) | Beamer | Platformer |
Resident Park (Demo) | Neil Crowley | Arcade |
Revenge of the Anal Probe | Scott Holmes | Miscellaneous |
Robo-Cartman (Demo) | Andrew Rumney | Action |
Robot Madness (Demo) | Commander Kenny | Action |
S.T.A.N. (Demo) | Nomad | Action |
Save Kenny Foundation | Matt Crosta | Compilation |
Save South Park | Junkman | Action |
Saving Private Kenny | Matt Kennedy | Shooter |
Scream in South Park | Subwoofer | Beat 'Em Up |
Serious Stan | SPGMike | Platformer |
Shades of Violet (Demo) | RFI | Adventure |
Silvereye 007 | JK Games | Action |
Skateboard Stan | Beamer | Sports |
Smurfs vs Kenny | Paul Smith | Arcade |
Snowboarder Stan | Brandon | Sports |
Snow Defenders | Beamer | Arcade |
Snowman Massacre (Demo) | Beamer | Platformer |
South Ball Z | ML Productions | Action |
South Park | Nomad | Compilation |
South Park 3D | Nick Locke | Shooter |
South Park and the Magic Master | Cartman434 | Adventure |
South Park Addiction Pack | Matt Kennedy | Compilation |
South Park Adventure (Demo) | Jeremy Gallen | Action |
South Park Air Hockey | Matt Crosta | Sports |
South Park Anti-Terrorizing | GSA_Ashley_Riot | Shooter |
South Park Arcade | Polygon | Arcade |
South Park Arcade 2 | Polygon | Arcade |
South Park Arcade 3 | Polygon | Arcade |
South Park Arena | Viper | Multiplayer |
South Park Army | Collin Joyce | Shooter |
South Park Asteroid Bash | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Battleball | Rodrinator | Sports |
South Park Blast | Matt Kennedy | Arcade |
South Park Blocks | Beamer | Arcade |
South Park BLU (Demo) | Commander Kenny | Action |
South Park Boxing | Kain X | Fighting |
South Park Breakout | Ian Black | Arcade |
South Park Breakout 2 | Ian Black | Arcade |
South Park Breakout Deluxe | Link | Arcade |
South Park Carnival | Canniengui | Compilation |
South Park Cartoon Maker | Vince B | Miscellaneous |
South Park Christmas Rush | Kroniclez | Puzzle |
South Park Classics | Beamer | Compilation |
South Park Concentration | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Cows | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Cricket | Brett Mahoney | Sports |
South Park Cross Country Run | Matt Kennedy | Sports |
South Park Damien's Wrath | Mark Hadley | Arcade |
South Park Derby | Kain X | Racing |
South Park Destruction (Demo) | Collin Joyce | Stealth |
South Park Dodgeball | Matt Crosta | Sports |
South Park Downball | Jzayed | Sports |
South Park Drop | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Egg Scramble | Brandon | Puzzle |
South Prak End of Wurld | Happy Productins | Miscellaneous |
South Park Espionage | Beamer | Action |
South Park Espionage 2 | Beamer | Action |
South Park Espionage 3 (Demo) | Beamer | Action |
South Park Extreme | Mark Hadley | Compilation |
South Park Fantasy | BLUSPG | RPG |
South Park Fantasy 2 | BLUSPG | RPG |
South Park Fantasy 3 Trailer | BLUSPG | RPG |
South Park Final Destination (Demo) | LeighM | Action |
South Park Fire | Happy Productins | Miscellaneous |
South Park Fishin' | Beamer | Sports |
South Park Fland Fish | Beamer | Miscellaneous |
South Park Football | Andrew Rumney | Sports |
South Park Football | Nomad | Sports |
South Park Fruit Machine | Function One | Arcade |
South Park Games RPG | Evan Johnson | RPG |
South Park Gaming Drinking Game | Dave | Compilation |
South Park Gladiator | Anders Moen | Sports |
South Park Go karts | Jamie O'Brien | Racing |
South Park Gold | Mark Hadley | Compilation |
South Park Golf | Nomad | Sports |
South Park Halloween Evil (Demo) | Evano | Platformer |
South Park Hang Time (Beta) | NSPGames | Sports |
South Park Head-to-Head | Fleming Games | Miscellaneous |
South Park Helicopter Bomber | Beamer | Arcade |
South Park Ice Hockey | Polygon | Sports |
South Park Invaders (Demo) | Luke Bennet | Arcade |
South Park Invaders | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Invasion (Demo) | King of Darkness | Arcade |
South Park Just Knock Me (Demo) | Nick Nash | Arcade |
South Park Kennies an Asshole | RFI | Platformer |
South Park Kerboom | Matt Crosta | Compilation |
South Park Kick Boxing | Kain X | Sports |
South Park Kids in Black | Scott Holmes | Arcade |
South Park Lights Out | Matt Crosta | Puzzle |
South Park Live a Live | Rodrinator | Action |
South Park Mario (Demo) | TheCreator | Platformer |
South Park Mario | Matt Crosta | Platformer |
South Park Mastermind | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Metroid (Demo) | Stanimation | Platformer |
South Park Micro Kart (Beta) | The Dude | Racing |
South Park Missionary: Attack of the Adult Comedies (Trailer) | IngramJ | Action |
South Park Monkeys | Wolf Man | Arcade |
South Park Ninja | Scott Mahoney | Action |
South Park Ninja 2 (Demo) | Scott Mahoney | Action |
South Park Nitro | Kickass Productions | Fighting |
South Park Olympics 2004: Athens | Beamer | Sports |
South Park Omega Project | Stanster | Platformer |
South Park Omega Project 2 (Demo) | Stanster | Platformer |
South Park Paintball | Evano | Sports |
South Park Party | JK Games | Compilation |
South Park Pinball 2 (Demo) | Andrew Rumney | Arcade |
South Park Plinko | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Point Block | Beamer | Arcade |
South Park Poleice Patroll | Happy Productins | Miscellaneous |
South Park Pong 3D | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Pong Attack | Brandon | Puzzle |
South Park Pro-Racing | Ben Plant | Racing |
South Park Puzzler | Brandon | Puzzle |
South Park Rage | Mark Hadley | Compilation |
South Park Robotron | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Rock Climbing | Beamer | Sport |
South Park Rogue Squadron | Nick Locke | Shooter |
South Park RPG | ML Productions | RPG |
South Park Serial Killer (Demo) | IngramJ | Action |
South Park Shoot | Mark Hadley | Shooter |
South Park Shoot 'em Up | Matt Crosta | Shooter |
South Park Sledding | Brandon | Sports |
South Park Sliders | Matt Crosta | Puzzle |
South Park Smash | Beamer & Python | Fighting |
South Park Snake | Brandon | Arcade |
South Park Snowboarding | Nomad | Sports |
South Park Snowfight (Beta) | Lord Prism | Shooter |
South Park Soccer | Subwoofer | Sports |
South Park Soldiers | Rodrinator | Multiplayer |
South Park Soldiers: Air Attack | Rodrinator | Multiplayer |
South Park Soldiers: Snow Commando | Rodrinator | Platformer |
South Park Splat | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Sports | Scott Holmes | Sports |
South Park Starfighter | King of Darkness | Shooter |
South Park Street Bash | Nick Locke | Beat 'Em Up |
South Park Street Fight | Dave | Fighting |
South Park Super Mario Bros | Polygon | Platformer |
South Park Super Mario Bros 2 | Polygon | Platformer |
South Park Super Mega Happy Fun Fun I Love Me Win Battle Championship | Beamer | Miscellaneous |
South Park Super Soccer | Ian Black | Sports |
South Park Super Speedboats | Matt Crosta | Racing |
South Park Surfing | BLUSPG | Sports |
South Park Taxi Driver | Junkman | Arcade |
South Park Team Action (Demo) | Jzayed | Action |
South Park Tekken (Trailer) | Beamer | Fighting |
South Park Tetris | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Park Tochi | Evan Johnson | Miscellaneous |
South Park Trick or Treat | Polygon | Action |
South Park Trigger Happy | SPGMike | Multiplayer |
South Park True Lies | Chris Nolan | Shooter |
South Park Ultimate Battle | Scott Ewart | Adventure |
South Park Ultimate Pinball | JK Games | Arcade |
South Park Ultra | Mark Hadley | Arcade |
South Park vs Pokémon | Stevo | Arcade |
South Park War (Demo) | Stanster | Action |
South Park Wars | Subwoofer | Shooter |
South Park Wars Ep. 1 | Ezezeta Games | Miscellaneous |
South Park Whazzup Shooter | Paul Smith | Shooter |
South Park Whodunnit | Brett Mahoney | Puzzle |
South Park Wrestling (Demo) | Nomad | Fighting |
South Park X-Men | Beamer | Fighting |
South Park Y (SPY) | Jon Robson | Stealth |
South Park Y (SPY) 2 | Jon Robson | Stealth |
South Parkanoid | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Pong | Matt Crosta | Arcade |
South Throttle (Demo) | SouthAmericanPark | Racing |
Special Agent Kenny | BLUSPG | Shooter |
Special Agent Kenny 2 (Beta) | BLUSPG | Shooter |
Special Forces | Lord Prism | Action |
SPG Easter Crack | Wormmaster & Jzayed | Compilation |
Spire | RFI & Jzayed | Platformer |
Stan Marsh Pro Skater (Demo) | BLUSPG | Sports |
Stan Marsh Skateboarding | Matt Kennedy | Sports |
Stan Pet | Stanster | Miscellaneous |
Stan-versi | The Dude | Puzzle |
Stan the Zombie Slayer (Demo) | Brett Mahoney | Action |
Stanimation's Gothic Rampage (Demo) | Stanimation | Platformer |
Super Blocky Stan Fighter (Demo) | The Dude | Platformer |
Super South Park Pinball | Beamer | Arcade |
Super South Park Pinball 2 | Beamer | Arcade |
Super South Park Trivia | Beamer | Miscellaneous |
Super South Parkio Bros | Jeremy Gallen | Platformer |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Kids | Kroniclez | Beat 'Em Up |
Tegridy Arms (Demo) | Beamer | Shooter |
Terroristz (Demo) | Satansoft/Dunny2 | Shooter |
The Cartman Game | Collin Joyce | Platformer |
The Cartmanator (Demo) | Beamer | Platformer |
The Empire Sucks Ass | Richard Hendrix | Shooter |
The Four Ninjas Episode 1 | Lord Prism | Beat 'Em Up |
The Land of Stickmen Ep. 1 | Wormmaster | Platformer |
The Land of Stickmen Ep. 2 (Demo) | Wormmaster | Platformer |
The Lost Kids | Junkman | Puzzle |
The Maculty | Jon Robson | Shooter |
The Worst South Park Game Ever Made | Link | Miscellaneous |
Tic-Tac-Cartman | Matt Crosta | Puzzle |
Touched | RFI | Compilation |
Towelie (Demo) | Beamer | Platformer |
Towelie's Nightmare (Demo) | Tuninki | Platformer |
Tower of the Forsaken Jew | RFI & Jzayed | Platformer |
Tower of the Forsaken Jew 1987 | RFI & Jzayed | Platformer |
Town of the Dead 2 (Demo) | Infinity | Beat 'Em Up |
Trapper Keeper | Beamer | Arcade |
Trapper Keeper Reloaded | Beamer | Arcade |
Trapper Keeper Revolutions | Beamer | Arcade |
Tribes of Parc | Jon Robson | Adventure |
Tweek | Andrew Rumney | Arcade |
Tweek 2 (Demo) | Andrew Rumney | Arcade |
Vardinun Arcade | Jon Robson | Shooter |
Visitors | Matt Crosta | Shooter |
Visual Mario | Alez Kratky | Platformer |
We Have to Save Ike (Demo) | Nick Nash | Platformer |
Wendy in Space | IngramJ | Arcade |
Winpark | ML Productions | Stealth |
Winpark 2 | ML Productions | Stealth |
X-Factor (Demo) | Jon Robson | Stealth |
XYZ | Beamer | Arcade |
Y-Fire | The Dude | Shooter |
Y-Fire: Jungle Arena | The Dude | Shooter |
Z@rch (Demo) | Beamer | Shooter |
Zombie Blast | JK Games | Arcade |
Zombie Blast 2 | JK Games | Arcade |
Zombie Invaders (Demo) | Beamer | Shooter |
Zombie Park | Beamer | Action |
Zombies Ate South Park | Unknown | Arcade |